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My latest guest post is featured on the Support for Indie Authors website. It should help anyone who is having one of those “off days.” Maybe you’ve got too many other things on your mind. Maybe your writing time is limited. Or maybe you just don’t feel inspired. But you still want to get something done. If you struggle with writing productivity, then my article, 10 Ways to Still Be Productive on Days When You Don’t Feel Like Writing, is for you.

The problem between wanting to write and having the time to write.

Writing time doesn’t just have to be spent writing. It can be about organizing, researching, reading, taking notes, or finding inspiration. All of these will lead to more productive writing at another time. 

So many writers set a word count for themselves to hit each day. I found that to be counter-productive. That makes writing feel like a chore. You’ll learn to use your writing time wisely. To recharge, reorganize, or to find something new to write about. 

Hopefully, this article gives you permission to feel like you have still accomplished something, even if you don’t write a word. In this day and age, when writers are responsible for much more than just writing, giving ourselves time to wear our many hats without burning ourselves out is a relief. It takes a lot of discipline to be a writer. This is because it is always in competition with the other aspects of our lives: full time jobs, family, hobbies, sleep, etc. So, we do the best we can. Then, we hope that it amounts to something.

My post.

Here is a link to my article: 10 Ways To Still Be Productive on Days when You Don’t Feel Like Writing

It’s the long title of an even longer piece, and it couldn’t have been written had I not utilized the advice that I provide within it. So, good luck juggling your productivity. Feel free to drop me a line about how you manage it all.