Marketing a Picture Book Banner

By: Megan Pighetti

You have written an adorable picture book that you love and cherish.  Now you are broke and every time you turn around you have a new Facebook message asking for money to market your book.  Don’t get me wrong. . . there are probably some great companies out there that can take your book to the next level.  The problem is, I could not afford one.  I had spent my budget on a website, illustrations copyright, editing, and everything else involved in creating my masterpiece.  Not to mention, I want to self-publish another picture book, and soon!  Hey, we all have more ideas, right?  Let’s get to business, we are all here for some FREE digital marketing tips for your masterpiece.

Start blogging

You've Got This Sign

Did you spring for a website?  If you did great start posting.  If you did not, that’s alright, you have other options.  There are ways you can blog for free.  Check out WordPress or Wix for that.  Now the other thing people get stuck on is what to write for their blog?  Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Think about your target market – write for them
  • Crafts and activities for children, you book is for kids, right? Why not blog for kids?
  • The process of writing or self-publishing, you could target the writing community.
  • Is there something your book focus’s on, you can write on that: sports, emotions, parenting, ages and stages, siblings, eating healthy, etc.
  • Outdoor and indoor activities
  • Author interviews
  • Book blog
  • Home school ideas and tips

Even if you have your own blog you should reach out and do guest blog posts.  This is a great way to write about different topics than you feature on your site.  It is also a way to have back links to your site, which is important for SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Social media

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Love it or hate it, it is a necessary part of your job as an author.  You can connect with readers, other authors, and find new ways to market your book.  If you are feeling overwhelmed by this pick one platform to start on, and once you are comfortable there see if you can add another.  There are benefits to each one and they really are not that scary once you get the hang of it.  If you need a friend, follow me and let me know you saw me on Laura’s Books and Blogs, and I will be sure to follow you back.

Recommended Social Media Platforms

  • Twitter@Fairy_Tailed – The writing community is very supportive.  You can find all kinds of ways to connect with the picture book community specifically with #PBChat (picture book chat) or you can just browse.  If you use #WritingCommunity you will find many active members as well.  #WritiersLift is a popular way to build a following and promote your book.
  • InstagramFairyTailedWish – To be honest this is the last social media I took the plunge on, but I wish I hadn’t waited. It is so simple!  I recommend starting here.  Post pictures and add hashtags, you can add a short description if you want.  I like to post something ever morning when I wake up that is a positive message for the day.
  • Facebook@FairyTailedWish – I have found that Facebook is best for joining groups and networking with other authors or asking a question. I also like to post things here and tend to get good feedback and responses, within the groups I belong to.  There are so many groups to explore!  I always share my blog posts on my Facebook group.

I know there are other platforms, but those are the ones that I currently focus on.  Here are a couple useful tips to make sure you are making the most of it:

  • Make sure you fill out the profile! If people don’t know who you are, they are less likely to follow you or follow back.
  • Always follow back, unless it is obviously a fake or totally sketchy account (this tip is for Instagram and Twitter)
  • Cross promote: Share your link for Instagram on Twitter.  Share your Twitter link on Facebook.  You get the idea, you are brilliant. . . I can tell.

Get reviews

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Easier said than done right?  You have had your family and friends review your book.  Now you are stuck.  Guess what. . . this is where social media can come in very handy.  There are groups set up to help with getting honest reviews for your book.  Don’t ever pay for reviews, and make sure they are honest.  You can also reach out to bloggers that review books; they may not all say yes but some will.


It is sort of like social media for books, but I put it in a category all by itself.  So many self-published authors forget about this because they are so focused on their Amazon reviews.  Don’t be one of them.  Look me up there, and I will do my best to follow you back there as well.  This is another great place to exchange reviews and meet other authors.  You can use your other social media to share your Goodreads profile and direct people to follow you.   Make sure you reciprocate and follow people back.

Be kind sign

Have you picked up on anything yet?  Marketing is a give and take relationship in the writing world. . . make sure you give more than you take.  Share on social media, but also share other people’s posts.  Ask questions, but also answer other people’s questions.  It is all about helping others and not just expecting others to help you for nothing in return.  This is a marathon, not a sprint.  You can do this.  Your wonderful book that you have worked so hard to create deserves your time and effort for exposure as well.  Good luck!

Happy Reading!

Megan Pighetti

Megan Pighetti

Author of Fairy-Tailed Wish

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