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By: Sarah Sarsby from the blog, A Woman’s Confidence 

About me and my blog

My name is Sarah. I’m a makeup, skincare and lifestyle blogger over at A Woman’s Confidence. On my blog, I write about a variety of topics. These include product reviews, makeup looks, fitness routines, self-care and beauty hauls.

I aim to create engaging, fun and no-nonsense posts. If I don’t like a product, I will make sure to share even negative reviews. It’s important to remain genuine and honest in your writing so you build a trustworthy reputation amongst your readership, which is always what I strive for.

I work full-time as a content writer and editor for a trade magazine. When I’m not at work or blogging, I love to cook, do yoga, play video games and, of course, I have a passion for makeup and skincare.

My ultimate goal would be to blog full-time through generating enough income from my blog (as I’m sure many other bloggers strive for). I’m aware it’s a slow process. But I do genuinely love blogging and learning new skills. So I’m more than happy to blog as a hobby.

How I got into blogging

I got into beauty blogging because I wanted to combine my love for writing and my love for beauty together.

I’ve always enjoyed writing: I have a BA in Creative Writing and English Language, an MA in English Language alongside constantly working with words day in day out. The way people can make words sound so beautiful and melodic has always fascinated me.

As for beauty, I really like playing around with makeup and getting creative. Some of the looks I see on social media are incredible. I’m certainly no makeup artist, but I really do enjoy playing around with different looks and seeing how makeup can enhance my face.

My makeup skills have also got better over time and I would like to take a makeup artist course in the future to really refine my makeup skills.


Skincare is also another love of mine because when my skin is good, I feel really confident in myself.

My skin used to be pretty rubbish and I never took care of it. After nights out, I’d leave my makeup on (I know, I know); I didn’t know what a toner was; I’d never used a facial oil and I very rarely used face masks. I’m sure all you skincare fanatics are cringing right now and so you should be, I know I am.

But now, I invest both time and money into my skincare routine and my skin has certainly seen the benefits of it. I don’t get many spots at all now, my skin is much more radiant and it’s all-round just healthier.

With my passion for makeup and skincare alongside writing, I decided to channel these loves into a blog, where I could write about everything I adore and share some of my knowledge with others.

I don’t think I quite realised just how much I’d love having my own creative space. I’d say I’ve become obsessed with blogging. I’m always thinking of new post ideas and how I can improve my blog, and I find myself dedicating more and more time to my little space. I’m really excited to see where my blog goes in the future.

To those of you thinking about starting your own blog…

Do it.

If I’d have known just how taken I’d be with blogging, I would’ve started from the moment I first thought about setting up A Woman’s Confidence. I’ve learned so much, my writing skills have improved, I know how to take a half-decent photo now, my knowledge on makeup and skincare has grown through connecting with other bloggers and I’ve met so many wonderful people on this blogging journey.

Honestly, I can’t stress enough how great blogging is and how rewarding it is to see your blog grow and improve over time.

When I see I’ve got a new subscriber, I feel ecstatic, or when I get a comment on my post saying that somebody enjoyed my writing, it makes my day. These little milestones and achievements show that my words have connected with somebody and that means so much to me.

And it will mean a lot to you too. So take the plunge and set that blog up!

Connect with me!





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