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By: Kelley

The mystery of parental fears…

This morning I saw a news story about currently banned books and banned books of the past.

Librarians compile a list every year of books they have in their library that are the most complained about.  One of the top 10 for 2018 was a nonfiction book about transgender teens called Beyond Magenta.

As a matter of fact, several of the books from last year’s list have something to do with the LGBTQ community. Or with religion. (Apparently the bible is the book that has shown up on the banned list most of all…)

And the article went on to discuss previously banned books that are now part of the mainstream community, i.e. Harry Potter or even 50 Shades of Grey.

So here’s my conundrum

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How can I understand the fear that seems to inspire all of this censorship? As an English teacher, I am against censorship of all kinds, and as the frou-frou tree hugger hippie you all know me to be, I’m also against keeping my children from exposure to any and every kind of idea, culture, and potential.

And sure, many readers lifted their eyebrows when I told you we took the boys to a drag show in Las Vegas. And I dunno, maybe some readers might disapprove of my sixth -grader having read all of the Rick Riordan books about Greek and Roman mythology by third grade? Because it glorifies polytheism? See, I can’t even wrap my head around that–to me that sounds ludicrous. For parents who believe in God or parents who do not, all it takes is a discussion with the kid for him or her to understand:

1) fiction vs. non and

2) the historical value of learning about myths of all cultures. 

Death by Diploma Cover

My current fourth grader…

is reading a spy series called Sigma Force, which he found in the library and which I admit I haven’t read—I read all the others, which I do advise parents to do, but man, it’s hard to keep up! I looked through this book he started with called Demon Crown. I didn’t see a lot of language or sex, but there is for sure death.

We talk about that, but that kid is getting into books I’ve never read myself. However, he’s the one of the two who gets easily shocked if he sees a swear word or a questionable scene, so I’m not too worried…he is self-censoring, it seems.

And the Harry Potter thing reminded me of something else. There are people in my own family who have taken part in PTA meetings and ideas about book banning in the past, I think for books like Harry Potter that may have appeared to be related to witchcraft or Satanism, or…whatever.  The hypocrisy of Harry Potter censors always got to me, because, um, can you say The Chronicles of Narnia? Witches, talking animals, magic of every stripe all over that series, but THAT book was controversial because of its overtly Christian themes!?!?!

WTH? I will not shut up, I’m serious! 🙂 Governor Jeb Bush even got called out for church/state violations for encouraging students to read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Such a great read…

You know my dad the bookstore owner brought me everything, censored nothing. Ever. But he also talked to me. I read early, but I also understood, early, the difference between reality and fantasy, and what I didn’t understand was always discussed.

Poison by Punctuation

I’m trying, though.

Trying to walk a mile in a censor’s shoes, because those are still the shoes of another human, often a parent who is scared to death of the choices their kid is faced with every second of every day, and how little control they really have, especially as the kid gets older and older and sees more and more. It’s gotta be hard.

So I’m not going to be able to solve the mystery of censorship or parental fears, not today, anyway. But I’ll keep on trying…

And where is that manual for perfect parenting anyway, dammit?

I’d love to hear your views…J Until next time: Stay Mystified! — Kelley


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