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Let me introduce myself, dear reader. I am author Asa Rodriguez. I find that art and all forms of self-expression are extremely important in life. Growing up, I discovered that freedom hides in self-expression, which is the highest of art forms.

Relationships in life, daily work, going after what you want, even being yourself. It all can be demanding, exhausting. We require communication, a way to let others know our feelings, and a healthy system to release all that anxiety we carry. This is why self-expression is absolutely required.

A little stutter and more

I was a very solitary or private child in sense, and I enjoyed my own space and room to be creative my way. I was very picky with friendships, and the friends I did have were dear friends and are still my friends today. But I wouldn’t let anybody else in, and that was making causing more damage than good.

I suffered from a stutter, or speech impediment, growing up.  It would manifest when I was scared, or anxious, or excited in some way.  I used to hate it, but as an adult, I have realized that was what I needed to suffer to become stronger in my self-expression. So, I understand how difficult life can be if we can’t, or don’t know how to, express ourselves the right way.

Two tips for self-expression

My first and biggest tip would be to always be open to trying new things, new conversations, new habits. Learn new beliefs, even if they seem uncomfortable to you. Expand your understanding and leave any attachment to old views and ways of seeing the world.

A second tip would be to read and also watch movies. But read and watch inspiring things, especially fantastical things. Such are stories or things that can really make you envision and create new thoughts, maybe even silly or unreal thoughts. It’s all about remembering the child’s creative mind again. I find that fantasy mainly does that for me.

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What I’ve learned

Throughout my life, I had to struggle so much to finally understand that human beings find incredible freedom through self-expression. All that bottled up anger, frustration, not understanding life, others and even ourselves.  It is all due to lack of this great imagination put into work through self-expression.

I’ve found self-expression in my artform, writing for my readers, because to have your own outlet to transform your frustration and anxiety into something useful is what it’s all about. I recommend you find your passion, commit to it, work at it daily; and whatever that passion is must make you more expressive and give you more freedom.

Asa Rodriguez drawing

A little bit into my madness

I’ve figured that all that matters is to be spiritually and morally awakened in order for our minds to become more free and less anxious, more calm and less impulsive. Of course, I’ve struggled with this a lot, because it is not easy as the human mind has a tendency to become quickly reactive and also to desire to control things.  And that is why I dedicate myself to my writing.

I have based the main character of my epic, coming-of-age fantasy series on me.  You can say that this 12-year-old orphan boy then has similarities with me, and that is because I’ve created this character specially as an outlet to tell a little bit about me to my readers. We all want to communicate and connect to other human beings, and this is my way to connect with you.

Why is this relevant?

Benjamin, Ben, has saved me in a way; because writing about his journey, creating his existence, has become an extension of me. It has brought me peace and freedom. See, Ben seeks to understand life, to know great men of wisdom, to go on adventures and find out the meaning of life.  His father was a shaman, and now he discovers his roots as a shaman as well.

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The mystery and purpose of life

Life is about you.  Life is just a reflection of you.  So, you find you, discover you; and then you have understood life.  I have discovered through Ben that the child’s mind, the mind of curiosity and adventure, is what is required to bring love and happiness into my life.  It is the mystery and purpose of life for each one of us.

The strongest theme in the series

There are shamans, spiritual leaders, gods, demons, magical creatures, friends and foes in my series.  But the main theme is what we all experience, such being self-discovery.  Forgive me for repeating myself, dear reader, but all that matters in this life is to grow our spiritual and moral values.

From becoming more spiritual and moral then we become better, and we start discovering ourselves and life; and thus, everything in our lives turns to be better as well. Magic exists, and it is within ourselves, because, just like the main character in my series, we must experience that beautiful miracle in us through daily self-expression.

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Enjoy The Call of The Shaman for free

An excerpt from The Call of the Shaman:

“Ben took a few steps forward and said, “Thank you! What I meant was, how is it possible that you can talk?!”

“What do you mean?? You can talk! Why couldn’t we?!” protested the willow tree.

And so, I would like us to contemplate our own magic, because life is a tremendous struggle without it.  But beautiful, with the right attitude, with that wonderful magic. And in view of just that, I’ve made a serious effort with these following retailers to offer the book for FREE for whomever feels interested.

So if you seek a coming-of-age story that brings fantasy and insight, gods and demons, and more, then you will absolutely enjoy this read: All I ask is that you support me by posting a brief review on Amazon, Goodreads, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, or your blog if you have one.

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Also, I wanted to take the opportunity to let the kind reader know that #3 in the series, titled The Book of 1st Witchcraft, is ready for preorder.

Watch the book trailer here.


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Buy a copy of Benjamin Jones: The Call of the Shaman here, and help support local bookstores! This is an affiliate link, and I will earn a commission on any sales.

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