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About the Author and Book

Author Name: Greg Walter



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Book Title: The Wild World of Wiley and JuJu: Wiley and JuJu Go to the Library

Genre: Children’s Book

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Book Summary

Every child likes to have adventures, but what happens when things get out of control? In The Wild World of Wiley and JuJu: Wiley and JuJu Go to the Library, older sister JuJu is left to clean up the destruction caused by her frightened younger brother, Wiley. While books are falling off shelves and scattering everywhere, JuJu scrambles to catch Wiley and convince him to rejoin storytime. Storytime is fun, especially when it’s about your favorite animal!

Book Excerpt

Wiley and JuJu sat in a circle with the other children and the librarian, Mrs. Longerhans. Wiley’s eyes widened. Mrs. Longerhans looked as tall as a giant! She had a big nose and small glasses. Her arms were so long he bet she could reach any shelf in the library. Wiley scooted further back. “Will you pick out the first book for us?” Mrs. Longerhans pointed to a girl. The girl chose a book about giraffes from a shelf behind the librarian. Wiley thought Mrs. Longerhans kind of looked like a giraffe. He had to escape!

Talking Shop

Wiley and Juju cover

What do you want readers to take away from your books?

I wanted to show how important it is to have people always having your back and looking out for you. Having siblings is a blessing even though sometimes they can drive you crazy! This story was just a fun adventure that exemplifies older siblings being protectors, even if they have to clean up their brothers’ or sisters’ messes along the way!

Name a fact or detail about your story that readers will never know is there.

The inspiration for this book and the entire series of The Wild World of Wiley and JuJu is my two oldest children. Wiley’s character is inspired by my son Junior who is five years old. JuJu’s character is inspired by my daughter Winter who is six years old. So, I took a letter or two in their names and switched it and made it unique. I took the “W” and “I” from Winter and created the boy character Wiley. For JuJu I just took the “J” from Junior. The crazy part about this story is Winter is actually the messy one in real life and Junior is stuck to clean up her messes haha.

What is a fun or strange source of inspiration that ended up in my book.

This story had three main characters, Wiley, JuJu, and Mrs. Longerhans. Mrs. Longerhans character is what I wanted to make sure really captured the audience or reader. I wanted kids to see the pictures and hear the description and feel the same way that Wiley did at first. So, I created her to be very big and exaggerated and look somewhat like a giraffe from Wiley’s perspective haha. The inspiration for this first book in the series came from the librarian in the Monsters University movie. She was enormous and scary. She had an aura about her that I wanted to replicate in a more life-like way. I feel my Illustrator Donald Lloyd Jr. and I had a lot of fun developing her character.

If you don’t make a living exclusively writing, what is your day job? How, in any way, does it relate to your life as a writer?

Before I published this book, I was working as a maintenance worker in a Recreation and Parks division in Maryland. In my spare time, I was a professional basketball scout for some teams overseas. I was really unhappy with where I was at professionally in the county job. There was no advancement and it was a stagnant type of job. I just wanted to push myself and pursue passions that I have. One of them is my basketball scouting business and the other was writing some children’s books. It was always a dream of mine and to actually say that I’ve done it now makes me eager to write more. I definitely couldn’t have done it without my amazing wife, Kelly. She fully supported me leaving my job to pursue these things, and I will be forever grateful.

How long did it take to write your book from the day you got the idea to write it to the day you published it?

I started writing this book a couple of years ago on a lunch break at work. It took me a solid two weeks to get all of my ideas and the main story on paper. After that, I literally didn’t touch it until a year-and-a-half later. When I left my job, I picked it back up a month or two after and said I’m going to do this! Then, from the time I got in contact with Halo Publishing International it was about two to two-and-a-half months, and my book was officially published. My process was a bit unorthodox to say the least haha.

“What IF” Scenarios

Greg Walter

If your book ever becomes a movie and you get final say over the cast, which actors would you hire to play your characters?

I think for Wiley a young Sean Astin from The Goonies would be awesome! And for JuJu a young Dakota Fanning from Uptown Girls! Mrs. Longerhans probably would be a Mrs. Doubtfire Robin Williams situation haha.

If you could have one person that you admire, living or dead, read your book, who would it be?

I think probably my grandmother, “Mammoo”. She passed away when I was about twelve. She home-schooled me before I even started pre-school. She read me a ton of stories, and I remember hanging out with her everyday watching soap operas and all. Life was simpler then haha.

A wealthy reader buys 100 copies of your book and tells you to hand them out to anyone you wish. Who do you give them to?

Well this would be awesome! I would take some to local libraries, churches and schools. Also, local charities or shelters as well. That would be really cool to provide something to activate kids’ imaginations that may not always get the opportunities to read as much as other children.

Would you rather own your own book store or your own publishing house, and what would you sell or publish?

Owning my own publishing house would be very interesting. Being able to provide opportunities for people to get their works published would be very fulfilling. That is like what Halo Publishing International did for me. I would probably gear more towards children’s picture books, some paranormal stuff (because of my wife haha) and some sports related books.

You have final say over who reads the audio book version of your story. Who do you choose?

John C. Reilly. He would provide his awesome voice and really make it all come to life. I mean, who doesn’t love Wreck It Ralph?!

Just for Fun

What legacy do you want to leave behind?

That I was a good father and husband. That I put their needs before mine. I want to watch my kids, Winter, Junior, and Zane, grow and succeed. That will be the most fulfilling thing I could ask for.

One bucket list item you’ve completed and one that’s still on your list.

I published a children’s book!

The one still on my list is becoming an NBA scout. Basketball has always been a love of mine, and that would provide some great validation in the work that I have put in.

Celebrity you’d want to be friends with.

Probably Adam Sandler. This may seem like a random answer, but he always takes care of his friends. He puts them in his movies and seems like a real down-to-earth guy. Having loyal friends is not always an easy thing to come by.

Food you’d like to win a lifetime supply of.

Man…. this is a great question. I love pork fried rice, but then again I eat pizza like twice a week haha. I can’t even fathom the amount of money I would save!

A movie or a piece of music that changed your life.

The original Toy Story movie. I remember watching this on the way to family vacations. I was in awe of the story telling and the animation. The idea of an animated movie where toys come to life like that and have personalities was just never done until then. The animation was so real at the time. Pixar movies are what I love watching the most with my kids.

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