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On the Fourth of July of 2019, I wished for rain if only so that my family and I could stay indoors and binge Stranger Things 3. That didn’t happen, but it was still a nice holiday. It was hot and sunny. I caught four fish at the lake, swam with my family all afternoon, and had a standard Independence Day cook out for dinner.

We don’t drive anywhere to watch the fireworks anymore. So, that left the evening to start the first episode and see how far we could get. Unfortunately, that’s when neighbors decided to shoot off hardcore fireworks just a few feet from the house. It was like trying to watch the show during a Civil War battle with canon blasts rattling the ground and sparks shining through the windows.

We got through three episodes that night and returned to it early the next evening once things had quieted down. We finished the remaining five episodes just before midnight, binged out but satisfied that we had made it to to the end.

My review of Stranger Things

I had a lot of mixed reactions about this season. So many elements still hold up: the acting, the nostalgia, the action, but the plot and the ever-growing collection of mysteries without answers is starting to wear on me. I also predicted the ending which really dampened its effectiveness. This show is usually good about creating original plot twists and turns, but this one felt too familiar.

Despite my issues, I still had a good time with this season, and I’m looking forward to the next. There is still so much to explore and so many things that the creators can do with this world. In the meantime, here is my spoiler-filled Review of Stranger Things 3.

Please check it out, and leave a comment either here or on HubPages. I’d love to hear your thoughts as well.

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