Women’s fiction is a very specific genre that has a hearts and flowers connotation, the equivalent of putting on The Hallmark Channel. It sometimes feels like a genre that you
How to Draw Inspiration from Your Own Experiences “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so
When writers are feeling blocked, they’re often looking for that big, broad idea that will grow into a fully formed piece of writing. But sometimes inspiration can come from tiny
Diann Floyd Boehm is an award-winning international author. Diann writes children’s books and young adult books. In addition, Diann writes books to inspire kids to be kind, like themselves, and
When we feel underestimated, it can affect us one of two ways. Some of us will decide not to bother to prove themselves while others will set out to do
Lynda Faye Schmidt is a storyteller who writes from the heart. Her novels are emotionally impacting and character-driven. A huge part of her writing journey has been her daily journaling
People always say they want to read more, and they love buying books to photograph or display. But actually opening the book and actually reading it tends to get put
Trying out writing a paranormal romantic novel? Bet you know what additional challenges this art may bring at the same time, don’t you? But still, I’d say go for it
Horror and science fiction tends to get dismissed as undignified stories made just for their visuals and to allow storytellers and audiences to play make believe with often bleak situations
Adults look back on adolescence and see it as the beginning of their lives when you can be hopeful and make good decisions that can lead to a good life.
The book that changed the way I see the sky. Forever. “Often you’re told to engage all the senses in the writing. But if you were going to focus solely
Some jokes are just universally funny at any age. One kind of joke that I love is when one character is doing something behind another character’s back without them noticing.
Our muses are sometimes unexpected choices. On a surface level, they seem to contract with our tastes and personality. I don’t come off as the type who would be inspired
The Adventure of Teddy series are all non-fiction stories for children and families about my real-life rescue cat named Teddy. Teddy lost his ears to frostbite while being homeless in
I grew up going to two local amusement parks each summer. These parks were old with a mixture of both ancient and modern rides but with an old-fashioned charm that