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My infant nephew is obsessed with trees. When he’s upset, all you have to do is take him outside. He likes to watch the trees swaying in the wind. It instantly calms him. So when I received a copy of Loblolly, Loblolly, You’re So Tall in the mail, I knew that the topic alone would appeal to board book-aged readers. Below is my review of Loblolly, Loblolly, You’re So Tall by Mommy Moo Moo.

Loblolly, Loblolly, You’re So Tall plot summary

loblolly cover

Loblolly, Loblolly, You’re So Tall is a board book which describes loblolly pine trees. The book imaginatively compares them to smaller objects, noting the wildlife that live in and around them and the changes that they go through throughout the seasons. It has no actual plot. Instead, it’s a character study of a non-human, non-animal protagonist with a lyrical name and a unique structure.

This story features several loblollies grouped together in a country yard. The author encourages this congregation, noting “the more the merrier.” They are seen shedding needles, swaying in the wind, and eventually growing pinecones to signal the changing seasons. The author speaks directly to them throughout, asking questions, making comparisons, and noting the details that make up these giant living structures.

Picture book format

loblolly first page

Each of the book’s 32 pages generally features one sentence of text. So, you can get through it within a few short minutes. Then, if you’re young reader wants to read it again, it’s easy to start from the beginning.

Being a board book, the pages are nice and thick, easy for little hands to turn as they begin to memorize the story and want to do the flipping. It’s also relatively small, measuring a little over seven inches tall and four inches long, similar to the shape of the trees themselves. The font is large and is clearly distinct from the illustrations.

The first page is very rhythmical, signaling that the story is told in rhyme. However, by page four, the rhythm changes. The sentence lengths, syllable count, and word choice varies. So, it can be a little jarring for the reader throughout.

Loblolly’s illustrations

loblolly cotton candy bottle brushes

The illustrations by Dave Hill are absolutely amazing. The style is realistic but still colorful and kid friendly. He fills each page with little details that may take several reads to discover. There are fairies sprinkled throughout the book as well as various animals and more subtle details, such as faces in the clouds.

The textures of the illustrations really make the pages come to life. Everything from the thin, prickly needles to rough, scratchy pine cones provide depth and realism, putting the reader right in front of the loblollies.

He draws the trees from multiple perspectives, providing every viewpoint imaginable, from an eye-to-eye perspective of the birds in the branches to long shots of the loblollies grouped together in the yard, shading a log cabin playhouse, some bunnies, and squirrels. Readers’ favorite spread is likely going to be the pages that transform the trees into cotton candy and bottle brushes to plant the idea of their tall, thin trunks and full branches that only encompass the top third of the tree.

The message

reading loblolly

The back cover of the book explains that Mommy Moo Moo board books connect people with other people, nature, and the earth. This theme of connectedness is apparent in Loblolly, Loblolly, You’re So Tall. These tall pine trees not only exist among each other but also provide homes for the animals, shade for the people who live near them, and change with the seasons. It’s a great message to send to young readers, especially those who admire trees as much as my young nephew.

You can read more about Mommy Moo Moo and her mission at her website.

Buy a copy of Loblolly, Loblolly, You’re So Tall here! This is not an affiliate link.

You can also read my review of Vegetable Chatter by Mommy Moo Moo here!

What book subjects do your young readers like to read about? What were your favorite picture books growing up? Leave your answers in the comments below!

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