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Below is an interview with Michael Dinich of Your Money Geek, which blends geek culture with smart money management to create a hybrid niche that adds authenticity to one interest and fun to the other. Find out how Your Money Geek got started, the work it takes to merge these two interests, and why a Wookie costume is the most versatile Halloween costume you can buy. Also, be sure to check out his links and follow on social media.

About the blogger

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Name: Michael Dinich

Blog Name (links open in a new tab): Your Money Geek



Niche: Personal Finance and Entertainment

Blog Summary:

Your Money Geek was created to make personal finance fun. We share unique ways to make money, ideas on how to save money, and profile inspiration success stories. And we help readers plan for early retirement.

We are not just geeks about money; we also cover movie reviews, video games, technology, and other aspects of geek culture. Who says money must be dull and business suites? Let’s have a bit of fun!

Talking Shop

Why did you start your blog?

It was an accident I swear! 😉

I was talked into launching a blog you promote my day job at the time, as a financial planner. I wasn’t happy with the content they were producing. So I took over.

I had no idea what I was doing and wondered the internet a bit aimlessly for a bit. Either through divine intervention or dumb luck, I stumbled onto a blogging mastermind group lead by a blogging legend, ESI Money.

I politely sent him an email and said, “I would like into your group, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to ensure the blog lives up the group’s standards.” Luckily, he let me in, and I followed all of the advice the best I could until I was able to whip the blog into respectable shape (mostly).

How long did it take to set up your blog?

The actual setting up of the blog, such as the theme and design was done by the company I fired. I was fortunate that early on, I didn’t have to figure out the design aspect of blogging.

However, knowing what I know now, I would have chosen a faster and more mobile-friendly theme. I really should change it out, but I am worried about breaking things.

Eventually, I will get around to changing it out. The sites probably an excellent example of “perfection is the enemy of profits” the website works and obsessing over making it perfect probably would make me more money.

How often do you post on your blog? Do you schedule posts in advance?

Since I got tossed into the depth end of blogging, I never had the luxury of writing posts in advance.  I have tried creating a schedule, but if I have a post, I really dig I usually end up publishing it right away.

What is something you wish you’d known before setting up your blog?

I wish I knew how much fun and rewarding it would be. If I had any sense of how much I would enjoy blogging, I would have started a blog years ago.

Blogging wasn’t on my radar, and even if someone has told me about it, I’m sure my response would have been that “I’m not a writer.” I never did particularly well in English in high school.

Now I have blog posts of mine syndicated and featured in major publications such as MarketWatch.

What’s the best review/compliment that you’ve received about your blog?

I am a big fan of zombie movies and TV shows, so a lot of my social media connections are in the “zombie community.” I have been fortunate to have interview several awesome people involved with the show Z Nation.

One of my twitter friends and fellow Z Nation fan, Pat, said she “reads all my blog posts…even the money ones.”

Several people tried to discourage me from combining pop culture and personal finance. I was told its too weird, or advertisers might not “get it.” So, I’m happy to know that I reached at least one

How well do you handle criticism?  Do you ever use that criticism to change your blog?

I like to think I handle criticisms well, but it can be a challenge fielding criticism when you are passionate about a topic or post.

I wrote a post once about buying new cars and published in on Reddit, and one Reddit user really gave the post a good trashing. Instead of taking it personally, I considered his ideas and went back in and updated the post.

I even went so far too private message him and asked that he look over the post again. I was quite surprised he ended up paying me a nice compliment and enjoyed the post.

‘What If’ Scenarios

Your Money Geek Logo

You’re given $10,000 to spend on marketing for your blog. How do you spend it?

I’d hire a VA to help me line up and write guest posts. I find guest posting s so tremendously crucial to growing a blog, and it’s also really time-consuming.

Your blog becomes one of the most popular blogs on the Internet. What do you do next?

Buy a Lego Voltron! I want to purchase a Lego Voltron, but at the moment it seems a bit frivolous. However, if I ever get to that Perez Hilton level of blogging, I’m totally buying a one!!!

If you could interview one famous person for your blog, who would it be?

I would love to interview Vanilla Ice (Rob Van Winkle)!!! He is a huge inspiration; he has reinvented himself so many times! Some stars get lucky. They have a hit. Then they wash out.

Rob has shown real skill, determination, and entrepreneurial spirit in the way he keeps adapting and reinventing his career. I’d love to talk with him about branding, real estate, and business.

You have the time and energy to write another blog. What is it about?

I would love to do a snarky satire site with a fake persona.

An assistant offers to work for you for free indefinitely. What do you have them do?

Guest Posts!!!! Soooo many guest posts.

You’re offered a free trip to go anywhere in the world for a blog post. Where do you go and why?

I would love to review San Diego Comic-Con!

Your dream brand offers to advertise on your site. Who is it?

Team up with Ford, maybe do a blog series where I drive around the country checking out cool Comic-Cons and geeky events.

Maybe even a road trip to San Diego Comic-Con???

My family and I love collecting signatures at Comic-Cons, so it would be cool to travel around in a new Mustang or F-150 and visit all the events.

If any of you know anyone at Ford, let’s make it happen!!!! I would totally work for an F-150 and Comic-Con tickets. 😊

Your dream guest poster is…?

Author Timothy Zahn wrote the Thrawn novels, and it would be cool to have him on the site. One of my first posts that received a lot of traffic was a fun post I did for Star Wars day, financial wisdom of Grand Admiral Thrawn.

Just For Fun

A movie that changed your life.

They LiveIt’s one of my all-time favorite films, and it’s a pop-culture classic.

The topic you can’t shut up about

Side hustles! I love wringing about smart ways to make money.

The topic you wish everyone would shut up about.

Politics, I get it the political party you don’t support is awful and the world is going to end!

Let’s find some other things to talk about on social media.

Celebrity you’d want to be friends with.

Will Wheaton. He seems like he would be a lot of fun to play tabletop games with and it would be a nice departure from hanging out with money bloggers. Most of whom manage to ruin the game night by pointing out the cost of everything. 😉

Favorite Halloween costume ever.

I’m going to go with Wookie. The great thing about the Wookie costume is that’s pretty much year-round appeal.

Are you going to a family party?

Why don’t you class the event up by wearing your Wookie costume?

Have a hot Job interview? Time to bust out that Wookie costume.

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